Private Transfers
Private Transfer
For Private Transfers, you need to "Generate Proof" and, if preferred, leverage "Relayers."
Private Transfers entail encrypted "send" transactions carried out discreetly within the Kalium Privacy System. With a single transaction, users can privately transfer multiple ERC-20 tokens to any other Kalium wallet.
Typically, like all private Kalium transactions, transfers are facilitated through a Relayer, ensuring the anonymity of both the sender and the recipient.
Transfers come with an optional memo field that can accommodate text and emojis. This field is encrypted using the note's ephemeral keys, making it accessible only to the sender and the receiver.
While there is no specific maximum length for the memo field, it's essential to note that the memo's length affects the amount of gas consumed in the transaction, as it is stored in an encrypted form on the blockchain.
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