🤼KALI Team

Core Development Team

At Kalium Network, we work with blockchain architects and developers who are highly skilled and have a proven record. They continuously push the limits by delivering innovative technologies.

Cory Brooks

Core Developer

Alessandro Perez

Lead Developer

Thomas Rodriguez

Core Developer

Core Team

The core team is essential to the project, driving the continuous development and growth of Kalium Network.

Paul Krkic CEO / Founder

Brian Jones

Marketing Team/ Social Manager

Francesca Stewarts

Community Contributor/ Technical Advisor


Advisors play a pivotal role in the success and growth of Kalium Network. They offer their expertise, guidance, and strategic insights to help steer the network toward its goals.

Brick Matrix

Blockchain Developer/ Technology Advisor

Saul Pink

Pinksale Founder/ Blockchain Advisor


Verified Auditor/ Blockchain Advisor

Last updated